Keddie Y
Near Forest Service cabins small
I walked below along the creek
To spy the swim holes stone stacked walls
Where divers jumped & children leaped
Strung over to the other side
A cable bridge gave access to
The neighboring homes and stage coach stop
Each one enjoying trestle views
Pressed close against back meadow wall
Old Minor’s cabins buried deep
Beneath the brush they look so small
Each has a story it will keep
Since Minor’s came in forty-nine
These structures stood through all the years
But certain there will come a time
When winter snows collapse, I fear
I push on down this canyon long
The narrow paths below the hill
Where train tracks cut through stone stand strong
I hear an engine’s roar and wheels
Up over head the Keddie “Y”
The old train bridge built long ago
It stretches cross’ this canyon wide
Where Keddie drove his spike of gold
I wonder when these tracks were laid
From Salt Lake clear to Frisco Bay
Did someone look down here and say
“Hello down there, here comes the train”
Then from a hole cut deep in stone
A yellow Engine’s face appeared
Its lamplight lit and whistle tone
Were what I’d hoped to see & hear
The train cars rolled by double stacked
My heart just pounded, what a sight
The “tic-et-y-tack” sound as each car passed
Stayed with me through that day and night
I’ll come again another year
And holler up to my old friend
“Hey you up there, it’s me – down hear”
“I’ve come to see you once again”
Standing Neath’ the Keddie “Y” as a train passes overhead